Consulting Ecologists

Ecologist Consultants

We’re a team of Consulting Ecologists, providing balanced environmental outcomes through a commercial lens for clients across Queensland.

From environmental monitoring to ecological surveys, flora and fauna and environmental management plans, our team bring unrivalled experience and expertise from feasibility to design through to implementation and monitoring post construction.

Our team brings extensive flora and fauna survey experience in the coal seam gas, renewables, mining and public infrastructure sectors on projects of every size, scale and complexity. This experience combined with our innovative approach to data capture and integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows Ascendas Origin to be bring cost and time efficiencies on every project. In addition our extensive experience in environmental and biodiversity offsets ensures legislative and regulatory obligations are met in the most practical and effective way possible.

  • Ecological surveys (species diversity, vegetation and habitat)
  • Impact assessments and mitigation strategies
  • Habitat restoration, threatened species management and monitoring
  • Bird and bat management plans
  • Environmental Impact Assessment input and regulatory advice and support

Ascendas Origin can design, implement and deliver:

Habitat quality and BioCondition Assessment
Offset calculation
Offset delivery options
Offset Strategy
Offset Area Management Plan

Other Environmental Services


Wind Farm Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Management
and Compliance

Biodiversity Offsets

Terrestrial Ecology

GIS & Spatial Services

It starts with us
understanding your

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